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75 posts found tagged with "Business Apps".

Responsive Web Design

Understanding the Multi-Screen Experience of ecommerce and business websites.

BizGifts, by UV Print

BizGifts is a new online website providing the biggest selection of branded promotional merchandise in Malta, featuring hundreds of innovative gift ideas for businesses.

AI-Powered Review Management Platform for Automotive Industry

BFN-AI is trained to deliver real-time, human-like, personalised, and engaging responses to customers directly on review platforms such as Google. It frees up your in-house resources by automating the vast majority of responses and assisting you in crafting replies to those harder / negative comments.

10 Signs You Need To Revamp Your Website

First impressions are often ever lasting. Is your website giving a good or bad impression of your business?

Google Analytics 4: The Future of Analytics

Google Analytics is a popular web analytics service that enables website owners to track and analyze user behavior on their websites. Google Analytics has undergone significant changes over the years, with the latest version, Google Analytics 4 (GA4), designed to provide a more complete understanding of user behavior across multiple devices and platforms. As Google prepares to retire version 3 of Google Analytics, this paper explores the key features of GA4, its benefits, and the impact on website owners as they migrate to the new platform.

All New Google Mobile Index

Google announces the creation of a new index for mobile-optimised content for mobile searches. How will this affect your business?

Focus On Conversions

A look at how to get more out of your web visitors by improving conversion rates.

Selling Online – Secrets For Success

A short business guide featuring best practice advice and tips for selling online.

Projects Executive

Looking for an exciting career in software and the Internet?